Tuesday, January 20, 2009


On Saturday, we paid tribute to an American Missing in Action. Scott Speicher was shot down on 17 January 1991, and his remains were never found. Originally, Mr. Speicher was list as Killed in Action, but after we over took Baghdad in Gulf War II, evidence was found that he might have been hel captive in a Baghdad prison. So, with the pressure of some groups, his status was changed from KIA to MIA. I believe that Mr. Speicher was KIA, and we just never found his remains. Of course, this is the weekend before we usher in a new President, a Democrat. This picture not only tell of a mother holder her daughter, but rather a country that is trying to hold on to something we are about to lose.

Monday, January 5, 2009

We are in it NOW!

Well the new year has begun. This is going to be a year of change there is no denying that. But will it be good change or bad? Politically speaking, we just jumped out of the frying pan into the fire, going from a liberal to a socialist. Yes, I said liberal. George Bush was no conservative no matter how you sliced it. And if Obama is the savior, I guess that would make Karl Marx God. Now that is a scary thought indeed.

I must say, the socialist have done a really fine job at lying, and getting away with it. Just this morning, I heard one of them say how this is the worst economy since the depression. I guess they don't remember the 70's under Jimmy Carter. We had double digit unemployment, inflation was rising so fast the average worker couldn't keep up. There were lines for Gasoline, and there was odd even days for getting gas.

Now of course we are in 2009, and the unemployment rate for November 2008 was 6.7%. A far cry from the 1970's of 11%. Or, better stated the employment rate is at 93.3%! Then of course there is the failed bail out of the nations banking system, which in it self is travesty. To compete, smaller banks made very questionable loans. Of course, since the loans were not made to businesses, there will be no investigation (Silverado Savings and Loan). Socialism preaches that everyone should have the same, and therefore banks should make questionable loans because everyone deserves a house of their own. No they don't!

Now the government has bailed out the banks to the tune of $700 billion! The Federal government wants the banks to start loaning out this money again. Why??? So we can give money to the same people who just defaulted on their loans? Einstein had a say "The definition of insanity, is doing the something over and over, and expecting a different result". We need to go back to the conservative way of thinking.

Putting a down payment on house shows one thing, you have the means to make the payments! Get a job, save the 20% needed to buy a home, and then buy it. If you can not put the 20% down, rent an apartment until you can. If you can not save the 20%, you don't need to be buying a house. Does this mean you might have to sacrifice, well sure. You can not have everything, you have to work for it.

Bush, Obama, and the rest of the liberals and socialist are lying to you. You can not have everything, you have to work for it.