Saturday, February 18, 2012


February 10, 11 and 12 2012. Troop 770, Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch, Elbert CO

Everything that last months camping was, this weekend was not! I learned a very important lesson this weekend: you must be prepared for the weather!

James and I arrived at the camp at about 5pm after a quick stop at Wal Mart for snacks and sandwiches. We arrived in time to shovel out our tent and quickly set it up before we lost our light. Once we got set up, the rest of the night was spent at the fire trying to stay warm. The Temperatures were going to be in the teens.

I had purchased a zero degree bag last year, but it was a regular size bag, and for my size: 6'2" and 260# I need a extra large bag. So I gave my bag to James to use, and I was going with my 30 degree bag, and fleece bag liner and an extra blanket. All of this to be in a 3 season tent. This was going to prove to be useless.

After putting the fire out at 10pm I went to bed. James had gone to bed at 9. I could not get my feet warm and by 12:30, there were numb. At they point I called it quits and went to the truck to try and warm my feet. It took an hour for me to get them warm and I spent an uncomfortable night, but a warm night in the truck.

On Saturday, the boys spent the day in competitions with other troops and they did really well. The events were: Fire Starting, relay, Lumber Jacking, Broomball, Search and Rescuer, and Pioneering. The temperature was in the 20's all day, and there was sun and snow all day long a very strange day. During the events, the boys worked very good together and I think they really did well. I haven't heard how we did over all, since James and I had to leave to go to a basketball game.

I was really proud of James and the fact he stuck it out in the cold the night before. But on our way to the basketball game, he asked me if we could go home after the game and sleep in his bed. I said sure since I was not prepared for the weather. The next day, I got up and went back to the camp to back up our stuff.

Next year I have to spend the money on a zero degree bag and a four season tent!

January Camping

January 21/22 2012: Troop 770, Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch, Elbert, Co

The troop went to Peaceful Valley in preparation for next months Klonderee.

We arrived Saturday morning and quickly set up camp and started on the days activities. Our first class scouts worked on their orienteering skill in preparation for the afternoon hike. The younger scouts worked on setting up tents and preparing meals for their rank advancement.

After lunch, the scouts headed on their five mile hike led by Joe and James. We had a little problem with and adult leader getting them lost. Don't send and artillery officer to do a job that an infantry NCO should do. I always like to see officers fall on their asses only to be saved by a lowly NCO. I got them out of trouble by teaching them how to negotiate on an over land route. We successfully made it through the woods and back to camp.

The weather was awesome seeing how it was January in Colorado. Temps during the day where well in the 50's with bright sunshine. I spent most of the day in shorts and a light jacket only putting on pants after the sun went down. The night was cool, down in to the high 20's but I was very comfortable in my 3 season tent and a 30 degree bag.

The next morning, we woke to a nice dusting of snow, and much cooler temps. We had breakfast, broke camp, and was back at STM by 11 am. It was a very good weekend. Winter camping at it's best.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Riding in Colorado

On January 1st 2002, I was skiing the backside of Winter Park. Being News Year Day, the slopes were empty, not a soul around. there was a light snow fallen, and it was just beautiful! I can not come up with the words to describe how I felt at that moment, but I felt God was there with me. I felt like that this is what heaven must be like. In that moment, I said to myself, "I'm never leaving this place". Two days later, I was informed that we were moving to Florida, and by May first, I was sitting in my pool home in Florida.
As I sat there in my pool home, I contemplated all the thing that I wanted to do, and never got to do. So after 8 years, 2 months, 27 days and 7 hours later, we are back in Colorado. I do not plan on letting that happen again. From motorcycle rides, to hiking to climbing 14ers and skiing. There is so much to do and see here, not the man made shit of Disney World, but the world that God has created. As far as I'm concerned, man can't even come close.
It is early January in Colorado and contrary to popular opinion, we do ride all year round. Although the riding days are not as numerous as in Florida, but we do get our days in. The last couple of days of been excellent for riding. Granted it was not the 70's that they get in Florida, but it was around 50. Of course we are expecting snow on Sunday, but hey, if you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes, it'll change
So, we met at the local gas station, five of us in all, and headed out. Although the weather here is nice, the mountains get snow all the time from October until May, so we stayed to the front range. We headed down to the Castle Rock area, riding around that area and made our way to Franktown. The ride was nice, but it is never about the ride it's about the being.
There is a feeling you get when you are riding. When in a car, you are IN the car, but while riding, you are part of the scene, one with the environment. You are in the scene! The chilled air hits your face. The smells of wildflowers, fresh cut hay, and animals as you pass by just feel your senses. You are not just looking at the scenery through a windshield, but you see it, smell it, and feel it! you are one with it.
Yesterday, about an hour into the ride, we stopped in the middle of nowhere on a country road. And there, to the southwest of us stood Pikes Peak. I envisioned what the the first settlers must have felt, crossing the great plains, an endless sea of grass for hundreds of miles, and then BAM, the Rocky Mountains! just standing there so majestically. I just felt in awe. We stood there for about a half an hour. The others were taking pictures of themselves and laughing and joking. I felt they had no idea of where they were and the beauty that they stood in.
There are so many wonderful things to see and do here. Around every turn or bend in the road or the trail there is something wonderful to see. From the animals, to the flowers to amazing vistas. And so we move on to the next adventure.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Duval County Public Schools

My new inspiration has become the growing stupidity of the Duval County Public Schools, also known as DCPS. This school district is by far the most screwed up system that I ever come across. But is it this particular school system, or are they all alike? That is the true question. Call me old fashion, but school is for learning. Yes there is a social side to school, but that is not the only side of school and by far it isn't the main side of school. School is there for learning, and for the children that want to learn. If learning is not your main goal when you get up in the morning, by all means, stay home and stop disturbing the children who want to learn. Stop waisting every one's time. But DCPS sees fit to encourage the waisting of every one's time by having these low lifes come to school, do what ever they please, and do nothing to protect the true students in our schools... More to follow

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


On Saturday, we paid tribute to an American Missing in Action. Scott Speicher was shot down on 17 January 1991, and his remains were never found. Originally, Mr. Speicher was list as Killed in Action, but after we over took Baghdad in Gulf War II, evidence was found that he might have been hel captive in a Baghdad prison. So, with the pressure of some groups, his status was changed from KIA to MIA. I believe that Mr. Speicher was KIA, and we just never found his remains. Of course, this is the weekend before we usher in a new President, a Democrat. This picture not only tell of a mother holder her daughter, but rather a country that is trying to hold on to something we are about to lose.

Monday, January 5, 2009

We are in it NOW!

Well the new year has begun. This is going to be a year of change there is no denying that. But will it be good change or bad? Politically speaking, we just jumped out of the frying pan into the fire, going from a liberal to a socialist. Yes, I said liberal. George Bush was no conservative no matter how you sliced it. And if Obama is the savior, I guess that would make Karl Marx God. Now that is a scary thought indeed.

I must say, the socialist have done a really fine job at lying, and getting away with it. Just this morning, I heard one of them say how this is the worst economy since the depression. I guess they don't remember the 70's under Jimmy Carter. We had double digit unemployment, inflation was rising so fast the average worker couldn't keep up. There were lines for Gasoline, and there was odd even days for getting gas.

Now of course we are in 2009, and the unemployment rate for November 2008 was 6.7%. A far cry from the 1970's of 11%. Or, better stated the employment rate is at 93.3%! Then of course there is the failed bail out of the nations banking system, which in it self is travesty. To compete, smaller banks made very questionable loans. Of course, since the loans were not made to businesses, there will be no investigation (Silverado Savings and Loan). Socialism preaches that everyone should have the same, and therefore banks should make questionable loans because everyone deserves a house of their own. No they don't!

Now the government has bailed out the banks to the tune of $700 billion! The Federal government wants the banks to start loaning out this money again. Why??? So we can give money to the same people who just defaulted on their loans? Einstein had a say "The definition of insanity, is doing the something over and over, and expecting a different result". We need to go back to the conservative way of thinking.

Putting a down payment on house shows one thing, you have the means to make the payments! Get a job, save the 20% needed to buy a home, and then buy it. If you can not put the 20% down, rent an apartment until you can. If you can not save the 20%, you don't need to be buying a house. Does this mean you might have to sacrifice, well sure. You can not have everything, you have to work for it.

Bush, Obama, and the rest of the liberals and socialist are lying to you. You can not have everything, you have to work for it.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of 2008

As the new year rapidly approaches, I have reflected on what has happen over the course of the year. For the most part, it has been a very rewarding year on a personal level. My sons have gone into new endeavors. I have reach two personal goals. And my wife has reached an end of an era. And of course, there are the many old friend and frat brothers that I have found.

This year brought two very important personal goal. The first one was to teach history. Not all situations are perfect, and this one was certainly not, but I did reach that goal. History at the 6th grade level in Florida is world history. Although it is very important to understand world history in order to understand American History, hopefully this year, I will gain a position teaching American History at the high school level. Secondly, was coaching track, specifically high jump at Arlington MS. It was extremely rewarding when one of my kids, Tevin, won the conference meet. It put his faith in me, and he became the best. Tevin was an extremely talented high jumper, and my have done it without my help, but in the end he did.

This year my sons played football for the very first time, and James surprised me to no end. Not so much with his play, but rather his will not to give up, and therefore gain confidence in himself. I have often described my sons this way: James would look at a pole and say "if I hot my head into it, it is going to hurt" Adam on the other hand would say "how much" and just smile. so when they came to me and said they wanted to play, I actually found myself trying to talk James out of it. Adam go get them. At first, James was very timid as I figured he would be. But by the end of the season, he was taking down the big kids that have been playing for years. He made me proud that he would not quit.

My wife Amy has worked for mother Merrill since 1992. They have moved us around the country a couple if times, and she has done quite well with them. This past fall, with all the turmoil in the financial community, Merrill was bought by Bank of America, those ending mother Merrill's reign on her. I don't know how this will all end up, but we can be in one of five states by this time next year. So we will have to see.

Then there are all the great people that I meet this year, and all the ones that I have reconnected with. I started riding with a new group out of St. Augustine, that are just a great group of people. Through my Friend Amy, (not the wife) I have reconnected with some great people that were in my past. Although we can never change what has happen in the past, we can look back an reflect at a more carefree time in our lives. I can look back to see myself as a person I didn't like very much. That at time didn't treat people very well, and could be just nasty. To which I can be very happy that I have changed to become a much better person

In closing, I wish everyone a happy and blessed New Year.