Monday, December 22, 2008

Biker Christmas

Although I was raised in the Catholic Church, still participate, send my kids to Catholic School, and in no way am I looking to leave the church, I do from time to time like to get out and experience Christianity on other levels, which brings me to yesterday.

Yesterday, a bunch of bikers got together at a local biker bar, and held a Christmas pray services. I went to take pictures of the event. It was not the typical Catholic services with all of it's ritual, but rather Christianity in it's most basic form. Something that would have taken place in the beginning of Christianity, as it spread out of the middle east, and into Europe. A group of people with a common interest looking for the word of the Lord. And there, amongst the beer signs and bars, I did feel the hand of God.

I felt among other sinners not a righteousness of "I'm perfect" but rather, I have sinned, with all my brothers and sisters. We all sat there, and listen to the minister, for we knew that we had strayed, and therefore excepted it, and needed to be brought back into the fold. And there, without the pomp that goes along with the Catholic Church, I felt that hand. I only came away with a few pictures, because I was so moved by the experience, that I just didn't feel right taking pictures at the time. I didn't come away with the next Pulitzer, but what I came away with was so much more important.

On Wednesday, my son will be an alter server for the 7:30 pm Christmas Eve mass, and I will be there, not to say this is not right, but rather to offer up my new found love of the Lord. May you all have a Merry Christmas, and my the Lord bless you and your families.

1 comment:

  1. Praise Him brother - bless you.

    Oh and not to be a smart ass but did they offer you a drink from the beer bottle? Just wonderin'
