Saturday, February 18, 2012


February 10, 11 and 12 2012. Troop 770, Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch, Elbert CO

Everything that last months camping was, this weekend was not! I learned a very important lesson this weekend: you must be prepared for the weather!

James and I arrived at the camp at about 5pm after a quick stop at Wal Mart for snacks and sandwiches. We arrived in time to shovel out our tent and quickly set it up before we lost our light. Once we got set up, the rest of the night was spent at the fire trying to stay warm. The Temperatures were going to be in the teens.

I had purchased a zero degree bag last year, but it was a regular size bag, and for my size: 6'2" and 260# I need a extra large bag. So I gave my bag to James to use, and I was going with my 30 degree bag, and fleece bag liner and an extra blanket. All of this to be in a 3 season tent. This was going to prove to be useless.

After putting the fire out at 10pm I went to bed. James had gone to bed at 9. I could not get my feet warm and by 12:30, there were numb. At they point I called it quits and went to the truck to try and warm my feet. It took an hour for me to get them warm and I spent an uncomfortable night, but a warm night in the truck.

On Saturday, the boys spent the day in competitions with other troops and they did really well. The events were: Fire Starting, relay, Lumber Jacking, Broomball, Search and Rescuer, and Pioneering. The temperature was in the 20's all day, and there was sun and snow all day long a very strange day. During the events, the boys worked very good together and I think they really did well. I haven't heard how we did over all, since James and I had to leave to go to a basketball game.

I was really proud of James and the fact he stuck it out in the cold the night before. But on our way to the basketball game, he asked me if we could go home after the game and sleep in his bed. I said sure since I was not prepared for the weather. The next day, I got up and went back to the camp to back up our stuff.

Next year I have to spend the money on a zero degree bag and a four season tent!

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